In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter S. There are a total of 59550 clues that start with the letter S.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
Sail holder | 4 | |
Spill the beans | 4 | |
Servicewoman | 3 | |
Suspect's excuse | 5 | |
Staffer | 4 | |
Scratch | 3 | |
Soft yellow cheese | 9 | |
Sandwich cookie | 4 | |
Segment of a trip | 3 | |
Submachine gun | 3 | |
Swamp | 3 | |
Summer or Shalala | 5 | |
Singer Campbell | 4 | |
Simple card game | 3 | |
Strong | 8 | |
Staff | 4 | |
Skill for an identity thief | 7 | |
Siblingless | 4 | |
Start over | 4 | |
Seuss' hat-wearer | 3 | |
Should | 5 | |
Spinning stat | 3 | |
Stevenson villain | 4 | |
Spy novel org. | 3 | |
Sindbad's bird | 3 | |
Sported | 4 | |
Soda | 3 | |
Saskatchewan, e.g. | 8 | |
Shape | 4 | |
Shuts loudly | 5 |
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