In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter S. There are a total of 59563 clues that start with the letter S.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
Small flocks | 6 | |
Story | 4 | |
Shaft of light | 4 | |
Sticky stuff | 3 | |
Siesta | 3 | |
Shakespeare's river | 4 | |
Seasickness | 8 | |
Southern lass | 5 | |
Sacred bird of Egypt | 4 | |
Shoppe describer | 4 | |
Spring, for one | 6 | |
Slight coloration | 4 | |
Strange | 3 | |
Spy org. | 3 | |
Something wicked? | 6 | |
Squad | 4 | |
Somewhere out there | 4 | |
Sitter's creation | 3 | |
Scorpio's brightest star | 7 | |
Stashed | 6 | |
Sprite | 3 | |
Students' excursion | 9 | |
Sixth sense, for short | 3 | |
Shell out | 5 | |
Spreads for bread | 5 | |
Structure on a tank | 6 | |
Sort | 4 | |
Satiate | 4 | |
Spread seeds | 3 | |
Sapporo sash | 3 |
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