In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter S. There are a total of 59612 clues that start with the letter S.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
Sailors' org. | 3 | |
Singer aka Sasha Fierce | 7 | |
Skiers' mecca | 6 | |
Spielberg or Soderbergh | 6 | |
St. Louis attraction | 4 | |
Southfork city | 6 | |
Sullen | 4 | |
Sister | 3 | |
Sister/wife of Zeus | 4 | |
South Pacific island | 4 | |
Shell game item | 3 | |
Simple | 4 | |
Shoppers' mecca | 4 | |
Small wiper | 9 | |
Sill | 5 | |
Singer Del Rey | 4 | |
Social stratum | 5 | |
Speaker of baseball lore | 4 | |
Social level | 5 | |
Stretchy material | 7 | |
Sun Yat- — | 3 | |
Sunday morning show since 1954 | 13 | |
Shark's giveaway | 3 | |
Smoky thread | 4 | |
Swiss canton | 3 | |
Succumb to gravity | 3 | |
Scratch | 3 | |
Superman's alter ego | 4 | |
Scottish river | 3 | |
Sub detector | 5 |
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