In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter R. There are a total of 20067 clues that start with the letter R.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
Resorts for the pampered | 4 | |
Recipe amount | 5 | |
Roadside stop | 5 | |
Raw numbers | 4 | |
Refinery sight | 4 | |
Relaxing resorts | 4 | |
Rich dessert | 5 | |
Ref's decision | 4 | |
Removed from the oven too soon | 11 | |
Recoils | 5 | |
Reduce expenses | 7 | |
Reservoir maker | 3 | |
Ram's mate | 3 | |
Raul Castro's brother | 5 | |
Relates | 5 | |
Ranch animal | 5 | |
Regarding | 7 | |
Romantic dozen | 5 | |
Requests | 7 | |
Research site | 3 | |
Response elicitors | 7 | |
Recital highlights | 5 | |
Run-down | 5 | |
Road goo | 3 | |
Resistance unit | 3 | |
Radius partner | 4 | |
Repair bill line | 5 | |
Rink surface | 3 | |
Romeo kills him | 6 | |
Ring feature | 3 |
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