Clues starting with N

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter N. There are a total of 11885 clues that start with the letter N.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
New Haven school 4
Not fooled by 4
Neighbor of Sudan 4
NYC-based TV game show 7
Nebr. neighbor 4
Not medium or well-done 4
Newcomer to society 3
Nonsense 5
November responsibility 4
Nonsense 6
Not up yet 4
Newspaper page 4
Neither Rep. nor Dem. 3
Novice 4
Not upset (by) 7
Not active 4
Nourished 3
Novelist Waugh 6
No-privacy situation 8
Now, on a memo 4
Not working 4
Needle partner 6
Nut variety 6
Nourished 3
NBA prize, familiarly 13
Nebraska city 5
November birthstone 5
New Orleans stew 5
Nervous 4
Not up and about 4

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