In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter L. There are a total of 22009 clues that start with the letter L.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
Litigious sort | 4 | |
Literary collection | 3 | |
Lawyers' org. | 3 | |
Look for | 4 | |
Let loose | 6 | |
Low in hemoglobin | 6 | |
Large terrier | 8 | |
Lassie, e.g. | 6 | |
Loyal to the end | 8 | |
Leave out | 4 | |
Lubricate | 3 | |
Listener | 3 | |
Lawyer (Abbr.) | 3 | |
London gallery name | 4 | |
Like a moray | 4 | |
Like Swiss cheese | 5 | |
Lascivious | 4 | |
Lisa Marie's dad | 5 | |
Luau bowlful | 3 | |
Lug | 4 | |
Lower limb | 3 | |
Life, to Sally Bowles | 7 | |
Lord's Prayer opener | 3 | |
Literary collection | 3 | |
Lengthwise and contiguous | 8 | |
Light bulb measure | 4 | |
Louis — | 3 | |
Lion's share | 4 | |
Laid-back | 6 | |
Long skirt | 4 |
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