In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter L. There are a total of 22020 clues that start with the letter L.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
Latin lover's phrase | 7 | |
Leprechauns' dance | 3 | |
Lima's land | 4 | |
Literary postscript | 6 | |
Lamented | 8 | |
Left the jet | 8 | |
Life form | 8 | |
Lemieux milieu | 3 | |
Lock | 5 | |
Lucy's man | 4 | |
Look-alike | 4 | |
Load from a lode | 3 | |
Lotion additive | 4 | |
Light beams | 4 | |
Long-popular crooner | 9 | |
Liniment target | 4 | |
Layer | 4 | |
Locale in Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" | 9 | |
Leeway | 4 | |
Lovers' quarrel | 4 | |
Leprechauns' dances | 4 | |
Light up | 6 | |
Leg bones | 6 | |
Lummox | 3 | |
Last | 5 | |
Lemieux milieu | 3 | |
Largest on the seven | 4 | |
Lustrous black | 3 | |
Lawyers' org. | 3 | |
Lubricate | 3 |
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