In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter L. There are a total of 22038 clues that start with the letter L.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
Loathe | 4 | |
Literary collections | 4 | |
Lay down the lawn | 3 | |
Love letter abbr. | 4 | |
Lotion additive | 4 | |
Loads, as software | 8 | |
Latin love | 4 | |
Luau bowlful | 3 | |
Lunch hour | 4 | |
Lab gel | 4 | |
Lavish affection (on) | 4 | |
Leftovers recipe | 4 | |
Lacked originality | 4 | |
List-ending abbr. | 4 | |
Lincoln nickname | 3 | |
La-la lead-in | 3 | |
Legendary loch | 4 | |
Lane | 4 | |
Low-fat | 4 | |
Lessened | 6 | |
Lima's land | 4 | |
Loudness | 6 | |
Lennon's lady | 3 | |
Literary collection | 3 | |
Liniment targets | 5 | |
Locale | 4 | |
Like some boots or socks | 8 | |
Lennon's love | 3 | |
Limber | 5 | |
La Scala solo | 4 |
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