In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter I. There are a total of 11019 clues that start with the letter I.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
Initiative | 8 | |
Island near Java | 4 | |
Internet address | 3 | |
Invented words | 8 | |
Irate | 3 | |
Ice-cream float ingredient | 8 | |
Intellectual exodus | 10 | |
Inclines | 5 | |
Implement | 4 | |
I love (Lat.) | 3 | |
Impudent | 5 | |
Informal greeting | 4 | |
Island of Hawaii | 5 | |
Italian wine region | 4 | |
In a proper way | 5 | |
Irksome | 5 | |
Ireland | 4 | |
Indivisible | 3 | |
In-flight | 6 | |
Id counterpart | 3 | |
Insincere | 6 | |
In vogue | 7 | |
Islamic decree | 5 | |
IV measures | 3 | |
Iota | 3 | |
In — (stuck) | 4 | |
Insult | 4 | |
In that case | 4 | |
Intro studio class | 4 | |
Island near Java | 4 |
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