In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter H. There are a total of 19509 clues that start with the letter H.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
Hallow-een time (Abbr.) | 3 | |
Hammer-wielding deity | 4 | |
Hearty brew | 3 | |
Have an objection | 4 | |
Hall-of-Famer Williams | 3 | |
Helgen-berger series | 3 | |
Honest politician | 3 | |
Hibernia | 4 | |
Hetero-geneous | 5 | |
Heche or Hathaway | 4 | |
H.S. juniors' hurdle | 4 | |
Hit hard | 4 | |
Hair salon request | 4 | |
Historic period | 3 | |
Have a bug | 3 | |
Hosiery color | 3 | |
Have 32-Down | 3 | |
Hammer-wielding god | 4 | |
Historic time | 3 | |
Heavens above | 5 | |
Holy | 7 | |
Heap | 4 | |
Hockey great Bobby | 3 | |
Haw preceder | 3 | |
Hostel | 3 | |
Head light? | 4 | |
Homer's outcry | 3 | |
Hastened | 4 | |
Hearty brew | 3 | |
Hosp. sections | 3 |
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