In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter E. There are a total of 14580 clues that start with the letter E.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
Exam | 4 | |
Elderly | 4 | |
Emailed a duplicate to | 4 | |
Enlarged a hole | 6 | |
Embrace | 3 | |
Evergreen type | 3 | |
Entreaty | 4 | |
Exist | 3 | |
Eventual aves | 3 | |
Equipment | 4 | |
Eggs | 3 | |
Easter entree, often | 3 | |
Erstwhile Montreal baseball team | 5 | |
Evergreen type | 3 | |
Emcee Sajak | 3 | |
Eye layer | 4 | |
Elevator name | 4 | |
Eastern potentate | 4 | |
Ernesto Guevara | 3 | |
Excellent, in slang | 4 | |
Elvis' instrument | 6 | |
Emanation | 4 | |
Early bird? | 3 | |
Egyptian wading bird | 4 | |
Early pulpit | 4 | |
Ersatz chocolate | 5 | |
Escaped, as liquid | 6 | |
Exceptional | 4 | |
English channel? | 3 | |
Eastern bigwig (Var.) | 4 |
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