In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter D. There are a total of 20913 clues that start with the letter D.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
Dutch exports | 5 | |
Drunkard | 3 | |
Decides, in a way | 7 | |
Dedicated verse | 3 | |
Director Lee | 3 | |
Dorothy’s dog | 4 | |
Disney film in which Bette Midler plays a witch | 10 | |
Decrees | 5 | |
Damage | 3 | |
Dol. fractions | 3 | |
Descendants | 6 | |
Designer Spade | 4 | |
Dole out | 5 | |
Dr. Frankenstein’s creation | 7 | |
Drone | 3 | |
Degrade | 5 | |
Destroy | 4 | |
Date qualifier | 5 | |
Diner’s card | 4 | |
Do sums | 3 | |
Day fractions (Abbr.) | 3 | |
Did a checkout chore | 6 | |
Danger | 5 | |
Dorothy’s dog | 4 | |
Duel tool | 4 | |
Diminishes | 7 | |
Did shoe work | 5 | |
Deep sleeps | 5 | |
Duel prompter | 4 | |
Dispatch | 4 |
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