In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter C. There are a total of 44149 clues that start with the letter C.
Clue | Answer | # Letters |
City on the Rhône | 4 | |
Chills and fever | 4 | |
Coffin stand | 4 | |
Chicken — king | 3 | |
Cheap | 6 | |
Charlize Theron film, "— Flux" | 4 | |
Canned fish | 6 | |
Cleopatra's slayer | 3 | |
Carte lead-in | 3 | |
Cribbage scorer | 3 | |
Court | 3 | |
Chef Cat | 4 | |
Clad | 7 | |
Climbing plants | 5 | |
Commonwealth | 13 | |
Church seat | 3 | |
Contendere preceder | 4 | |
Cold War weapon | 4 | |
Commotion | 3 | |
Cheery melodies | 5 | |
Casaba or Crenshaw | 5 | |
Compared to | 4 | |
CBS logo | 3 | |
Crow's comment | 3 | |
Concern | 4 | |
Con job | 4 | |
Chic no more | 3 | |
Charmingly innocent | 7 | |
Culture medium | 4 | |
Charlie Brown's sister | 5 |
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